Section 173 Agreement Victoria

Section 173 Agreement Victoria: What You Need to Know

If you`re a property owner in Victoria, you may have heard of a Section 173 Agreement. This legal agreement is a powerful tool that regulates land use and protects the environment. In this article, we`ll explain what a Section 173 Agreement is, why it`s important, and how to get one.

What is a Section 173 Agreement?

A Section 173 Agreement is a contract between a landowner and a local council or the state government that outlines specific conditions for using and developing the land. These conditions can include restrictions on the type of development allowed, the size and scale of the development, and the use of the land. The agreement is registered on the title of the property and runs with the land, meaning that it binds future owners and developers.

Why is a Section 173 Agreement important?

Section 173 Agreements are an essential tool for protecting the environment and ensuring sustainable development. They can be used to preserve natural features like wetlands, bushland, and wildlife corridors, and to manage urban growth and development. They can also provide certainty for landowners and developers by outlining clear guidelines and expectations for land use.

For local councils and the state government, Section 173 Agreements are an important regulatory tool for managing land use and protecting community interests. They can be used to ensure that developments are consistent with local planning policies and environmental regulations and that they support community objectives like affordability, accessibility, and sustainability.

How do I get a Section 173 Agreement?

To get a Section 173 Agreement, you need to submit an application to your local council or the state government. The process can be complex and time-consuming, so it`s essential to seek professional advice from a lawyer, town planner, or other expert.

The application will typically require a range of information, including a detailed site plan, an environmental assessment, and evidence of community consultation. You`ll also need to demonstrate that your proposed use of the land is consistent with local planning policies and environmental regulations.

Once your application is submitted, it will undergo a rigorous assessment process, which may involve public exhibition and consultation, negotiations with the local council or the state government, and potential amendments to the agreement. If the application is successful, the Section 173 Agreement will be registered on the title of your property and will become a binding legal document.


A Section 173 Agreement is a powerful legal tool for managing land use and protecting the environment in Victoria. It can provide certainty for landowners and developers, safeguard natural features and community interests, and support sustainable development. While the application process can be complex and time-consuming, the benefits of a Section 173 Agreement are well worth the effort. So if you`re a property owner in Victoria, consider exploring this option for your land.