College of New Caledonia Faculty Collective Agreement

The College of New Caledonia faculty collective agreement is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for faculty members at the institution. As a copy editor with experience in SEO, it`s important to highlight the significance of this agreement and provide relevant information that readers may be searching for.

Firstly, it`s important to clarify what a collective agreement is. It is a legally binding agreement between an employer and a union that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for unionized workers. The College of New Caledonia Faculty Association (CNFA) is the union that represents faculty members at the institution, and they negotiate with the college to establish a collective agreement.

The most recent collective agreement between the CNFA and the College of New Caledonia was signed in 2019. It is a three-year agreement that expires in 2022. Some of the important provisions in the agreement include salary increases, benefits, workload, and job security.

One of the key highlights of the agreement is the salary increases for faculty members. The agreement provides for a 2% increase in each of the three years of the agreement. This means that faculty members will receive a total of 6% salary increase over the three-year period.

Another important provision of the agreement is job security. The college has agreed to maintain a minimum complement of full-time faculty members, and they cannot lay off any faculty members without just cause. This provides job security for faculty members, and it ensures that the college maintains its academic standards.

In terms of workload, the agreement provides for a maximum workload of 15 credit hours per semester for full-time faculty members. This ensures that faculty members can maintain a reasonable workload and focus on providing quality education to students.

Overall, the College of New Caledonia faculty collective agreement is a crucial document for faculty members and the institution as a whole. It provides job security, fair compensation, and reasonable workload for faculty members, which ultimately benefits the students and the college`s academic standards. As a professional, it`s important to provide accurate and relevant information for readers who may be searching for information on this topic.