Breach of Contract Termination Letter to Employee

When an employee is not living up to the expectations set out in their employment contract, it may be necessary to terminate their employment. This can be a difficult decision, but it is important to ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to protect the company`s interests and avoid legal action. One important step in this process is to provide the employee with a breach of contract termination letter.

What is a Breach of Contract Termination Letter?

A breach of contract termination letter is a document that informs an employee that their employment is being terminated due to a breach of their employment contract. This letter outlines the specific reasons for the termination and the steps that have been taken to address any issues that may have contributed to the breach.

The letter should be written in a clear and concise manner, outlining the specific reasons for the termination. This may include failure to meet performance standards, breach of confidentiality, or violation of company policies. It is important to provide specific examples to support these claims.

Why is a Breach of Contract Termination Letter Important?

A breach of contract termination letter is important for several reasons. First, it provides a clear and documented record of the reasons for the termination. This can be important in the event of any legal action that may arise following the termination.

Second, the letter serves as a reminder to the employee of the specific terms of their employment contract and the consequences of violating these terms. This helps to promote accountability and can encourage employees to comply with the terms of their contract in the future.

Finally, the letter can be a helpful tool for managers and HR professionals who may need to explain the circumstances surrounding the termination to other employees or stakeholders.

What Should be Included in a Breach of Contract Termination Letter?

When writing a breach of contract termination letter, it is important to include several key elements. These include:

1. A clear statement of the reasons for the termination, including specific examples to support these claims.

2. A brief summary of the steps that have been taken to address any issues that may have contributed to the breach, such as warnings or disciplinary actions.

3. A statement of any relevant policies or procedures that have been violated.

4. A statement of any outstanding obligations or responsibilities that the employee may have, such as returning company property or completing assigned tasks.

5. A clear statement of any severance or compensation that the employee may receive as a result of the termination.


A breach of contract termination letter is an important document that should be carefully crafted to ensure that it accurately reflects the circumstances surrounding the termination. By providing a clear and documented record of the reasons for the termination, this letter can help to protect the company`s interests and avoid legal action. It can also serve as a helpful tool for managers and HR professionals who may need to explain the circumstances surrounding the termination to other employees or stakeholders. As a professional, it is important to ensure that the language used in the letter is clear and concise, and that it includes relevant keywords to help it rank for relevant search terms.